Negotiated Rates

 A Negotiated Rate is typically a rate that your property has offered and has been agreed upon between your property and a company or group (a group in Skyware Systems may be a company OR represented by an individual guest, with either being considered as a unit that sends business to your Property). A negotiated rate is a special rate, usually a percentage reduction based on the amount of expected business the company will be generating for your property. Negotiated rates can be set up for companies in order to pull that rate into a reservation for any guest associated with that company. These rates will carry over to stays whenever the Company record is associated with a stay. Any guest associated with that company would be entitled to that negotiated rate. All companies or groups currently with negotiated rates may be viewed by using the Companies with Negotiated Rates command on the Files Menu or on the Sales and Catering Menu, if your Property utilizes this module.

In order to set up negotiated rates, the guest or company first needs to be set up under the Guest Information or Group information area. Negotiated rates may then be entered using the specific Group Account or Guest Account screen (you will need to click the Add/Modify Negotiated Rates icon from the local toolbar there to open the Negotiated Rates screen, where you can enter a different rate for some or all of the room types as appropriate for that Company or Guest Information record). The account, and the associated rates will then be ready for use when entering reservations into Skyware. (Once the account is selected in the company field on the Reservation screen, the rate plan will be automatically updated and the associated rates will be applied to the reservation).

Note: A Promotional Code is a form of negotiated rate, but is one that your property may offer for use not with a particular company and without previous agreement from any group, rather with a specific set of circumstances in mind (such as a web code to use for a reduced rate when booking online). A promotional code therefore is a specific negotiated rate (which has been attached to a designated "promotional code" account) that may be used by anyone fitting the desired parameters. See How to Set Up a Promotional Code for help on creating this type of negotiated rate, or How to Set Up Web Rate Codes for details on using negotiated rates with your website.





Date Updated February 27, 2024